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The immunization schedule in Cyprus

The Universal immunisation scheme in Cyprus is determined by the department of Health and includes a total of 11 vaccines which are all offered free of cost to all children under GESY healthcare . The scheme does not include the Meningitis B vaccine and the rotavirus vaccine. That means that they are not available as free of cost , however these vaccines are strongly recommended for all infants by the Cyprus paediatric society and will be routinely offered to all children by paediatricians across Cyprus.

Please note that for some of these vaccines there is an upper age limit beyond which free of cost does not apply , hence if administration is delayed this will mean an out of pocket payment.

2 months - Diptheria, tetanus pertussis ,poliomyelitis , haemophilus type B , hepatitis B

3 months – pneumococcus

4 months - Diptheria, tetanus pertussis ,poliomyelitis , haemophilus type B , hepatitis B

5 months – pneumococcus

6 months - Diptheria, tetanus pertussis ,poliomyelitis , haemophilus type B , hepatitis B

12 months – meningococcus C

12 months – pneumococcus

13 months – measles . mumps , Rubella ( MMR) vaccine , varicella vaccine

15 months - Diptheria, tetanus pertussis ,poliomyelitis , haemophilus type B

24 months – hepatitis A

30 months – hepatitis A

4 years - measles . mumps , Rubella ( MMR) vaccine , varicella vaccine

5 years - diptheria , tetanus , pertussis

11 years – human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine

11 years – diptheria , tetanus , pertussis


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